Saturday, July 28, 2007

You know you're an MBA applicant

1. When you give up party nights to stay at home to edit 3 words out of Essay 1 to bring it to 500 words....
2. When you know a number can be divided by 3 if the sum of the digits can be divided by 3....
3. When you realize that you can't speak English properly....
4. When the letters H, S and W aren't just alphabets in your soup....
5. When you begin to hate people that started multi-million dollar businesses when they were 17, started 2 charity organizations, climbed Mount Everest, and scored 750+ on the GMAT....
6. When you start wishing you had sold your house 2 years ago and went to do volunteer work in Ghana/Burundi....
7. When you start discussing Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 on forums and you're not talking about boxing....
8. When your family, friends and loved ones start giving you dodgy looks over dinner when you talk about your day at work and how it let you tap your leadership potential....
9. When you give vague answers to your colleagues and supervisors when they try and discuss dreams and ambitions....
10. When you suddenly get in touch with all your ex-supervisors....
11. When you start clicking refresh on your e-mail every 30 minutes hoping to get an interview invite....
12. When you start dreaming about talking candies...

Stuff that I've read over the past 2 years....


-tvu said...


Achilles said...

thanks wannabe for the link!!

U Know..... said...

So very true... Being a reapplicant it becomes even more real..... i have been doing the same stuff for some time now...

Unknown said...

Excellent post, so true... :)

Anonymous said...

Same here!
It's a great post. Don't worry, you'll write great essays!

Anonymous said...

I'm in advertising. Having these similar thoughts to yours running through my head, every hour, every day puts me completely in a bubble, not just from home...sigh.

A career switch is definitely called for. It's funny how the application process prepares us to be an applicant rather than a student who would eventually graduate with hopefully applicable MBA-imbued skills.

I feel like I've had an alternate life since deciding for Fall 2008 entry. Sorry, not meant to be a blog, I got carried away! You brought it out in me.