Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Guess it's time to move on to the actual applications. Since I'm a reapplicant to Tuck, I fully intend to apply to the Early Decision round. I understand that the ED round is THE round for reapplicants! Anything else and I'm doomed.

I'm also looking to apply to Wharton. And of course, I have to apply to Harvard - simply because. Actually, Wharton and Harvard are good for consulting - my intended post-MBA career. I have yet to begin research on Wharton or get in touch with any of their ambassadors. Depending on when I finish up the applications for W/Tuck, I might do an application to Kellogg or Chicago (haven't decided). Most likely Harvard will be a R2 application.

But first, perfect the Why MBA/Why Tuck. With my spotty career and weak undergrad, I need to be crystal clear on why I'm doing this. Or is it, because of my spotty career and weak undergrad that I need to do this? :P

Meanwhile, work is great. I sit around trying to come up with marketing ideas. Lots of freedom in terms of job scope and time flexibility. I've already started on whether it's possible to link up the bank with a luxury brand. So that might be an interesting activity that's coming up.


The weekend was great. For once I didn't have to worry about the GMAT or whether I was able to remember the 3:4:5 triangle and variations. Or whether I should use 'which' or 'that' in my sentence.


globetrotter said...

All of the above ;-) plus a few others not yet decided.

-tvu said...

Lucky bastard. hehe... You're ahead of the game. Enjoy the calm before the essay storm. I'm still slaving away on the GMAT, but going to the gym helps my sanity. Timing and silly mistakes are still an issue, but making ever slow it maybe.

Q; when do you use, "who" and when do you use "whom". Even as a native speaker, I still get confused. Seriously.