Friday, July 6, 2007

The second GMAT Prep test gives me a 670.

Q 46
V 35

Quite a contrast to my Manhattan GMAT prep.

Ah. This sucks.

I'm doomed. 2 days before the test. I hope I get the GMAT Prep Quant and the Manhattan GMAT Verbal. Hah. That would give me a 700+...

How much can I do in the last 48 hours? Ok, on the plus side, I know that at least I should score above 670. If I recall correctly, the first time I took the GMAT, my GMAT Prep results were about 620. So maybe there's hope. Or maybe I'm just being overly optimistic, telling myself what I want to hear.

I so hope the Manhattan GMAT Verbal is more accurate than the GMAT Prep....

I'm compiling GMAT day music. Everybody needs a little music before the exam.

Ben XTC and MC Ortie - Looking Down
Pitchdiverz vs Freestylers - Voice of the Night (Pitchdiverz RMX)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recommend "The Eye of the Tiger". Seriously.