Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Well now.

My girlfriend and I broke up, citing irreconcilable differences:

i) My permanent state of unhappiness with the world and always wanting more.
ii) My need to compare myself and benchmark myself.
iii) Living in my own little world of the GMAT and MBAs.
iv) Different priorities, goals, morals and such.

I guess, I've been expecting it to a certain extent. But never now, as things had taken (or so it seemed) a turn for the better. Conversations were good, we were looking to meet up and we were having fun.

Guess you really never know when.


Rico's Mom said...

I just have a few words of advice for you on the GMAT. Atitiude makes all the differnce in the world! My first test was so bad. I had a complete anxiety attack during the test because I felt like it was life and death for me. But the second test I went in with a completely different attitude and just told myself I'd do the best I could. And I stuck to the lessons I learned in my GMAT prep course. And I highly recommend peanut M&M's to snack on during your breaks! Seriously, I should be getting commission from them :-) Good luck to you and thanks for the congrats!

Rico's Mom said...

P.S. sorry about the break up :-(