Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What now?

Columbia has been submitted. Tuck is complete pending a recommendation and a final review of my essays by family. I'm sitting tight before the deadlines. Nope, I haven't got an interview invite from Columbia... and it's slowly getting to me - especially when there have been admits given out already!

5 people have been admitted to Columbia (one who is on the BusinessWeek MBA forums). But, while i'm getting a bit nervous, I haven't hit the BIG RED panic button just yet. After all, I only submitted my application 20 days ago. In general, I should hear something about 35 days to 45 days after my application has gone under review (which was about on the 11th of September).

As for Tuck. There's so much love for Tuck, I should as well throw the towel in and make the trip to visit Tuck.... :( if only I had the time and money, I would do the trip. But everything else is nice and tight.

So what's next?

Working on my Maths course.... and then, preparing for Ross and .... Stanford! whoa!

That's right, I've decided in a brief spell of madness to apply to the most selective business school. I sat around for 2 days figuring out my next move... went through Wharton/Harvard/Stanford's essays. Initially my plan was to see which school had the easiest essays that I could adapt from my other applications. But after much soul searching and consideration... and reading this little bit off Stanford's website, I've decided to take my chances and put Stanford in as my ultra super reach school.

so... onward ho.. here are the essays for Stanford

Essay A: What matters most to you, and why?

Essay B: What are your aspirations? How will your education at Stanford help you achieve them?

Essay C: Short Essays—Options 1-4. Answer two of the questions below.
Option 1: Tell us about a time when you empowered others.
Option 2: Tell us about a time when you had a significant impact on a person, group or organization.
Option 3: Tell us about a time when you tried to reach a goal or complete a task that was challenging, difficult, or frustrating.
Option 4: Tell us about a time when you went beyond what was defined, established, or expected. In answering both questions, tell us not only what you did, but also how you did it. Tell us the outcome, and describe how people responded. Describe only experiences that have occurred within the last three years.

But maybe before I jump the gun. I need to be more realistic and sort out Ross first...

1 comment:

RSM09 said...

Good luck Wannabe. your persistence will pay off. I miss writing the essays. Moving to Rotterdam tomorrow. will be in touch.