Monday, June 25, 2007


As the result of my tight schedule that covers

ii) Maths course
iii) New job

I am considering taking my GMAT on the 9th of July (Monday). The 9th is a very special day, it's the only free day I have between leaving my old job, and starting on the new job. It's like the eye of the hurricane. However, I need to know, am I ready for the GMAT? My sample test was 680, my exercises are giving me 80% +- 5% and above for Verbal while for Quant, I'm scoring 95% +- 5%. Am I ready? Will the GMAT be ready for me? I feel ready actually, I feel that I could take it anytime and do decently well.

I've always planned on taking the GMAT towards the end of July, but because of circumstances, I'm bringing forward the date. At the moment, my revisions for the GMAT are just cruising along, spending 1 1/2 hours a day (weekday) doing exercises, while on weekends I do more exercises and maybe some reading. Should I do it? I haven't touched a 700 on my sample tests, but am I be ready?

Materials used this round:

Kaplan 800 (just some light reading to learn more techniques, nothing fantastic if you've read all the notes available on the Internet and done your practice)

OG 11 (re-did the questions for Quant to get a better feel)

1000 SC/CR (this question bank is pretty good, for the SC, use it with the that has the explanations for the questions. Just copy and paste part of the question in the forum > search feature at to find the question/explanation)

Manhattan GMAT Quant (5 book - covers the basics, pretty good to start from, but it doesn't get very advanced. a few interesting pointers and little notes to keep in mind) flashcards (not so intensively this time. this round, I relied more on practice than memorising the notes. However, it helps that I memorised quite a few bits in my previous attempt)

Am I missing anything?


Anonymous said...

Did you mean to say July 9 th ? Good luck!! Am sure you will hit the target.

-tvu said...

I'd include time limitations while doing the questions. It helps w/ timing anxiety.

bluey said...

good luck for your GMAT !!!
it's making me nervous too....